Lynwood Road Residents Association

Maintenance, Drainage & Waste Disposal

Maintenance Issues
Maintenance is ongoing but if you feel that something needs to be repaired, street lighting needs attention, communal gardens need attention, etc, please let us know by emailing us on or contacting one of the Directors.
Always provide a brief description of the problem or request with your name, house no. and a contact phone number or email.

Please be aware, however, that the Residents Association is responsible only for matters affecting the common parts or the development as a whole. Problems with individual properties are the responsibility of the owner or tenant.

Drainage & Waste:
See: Explanation of drainage responsibilities for an explanation of who is responsible for which elements of the drains and sewerage systems on the estate.  

Thames Water is responsible for the common sewer systems under the roadways and the pump stations. There are two of these systems on the estate: one draining the surface water from the road side gullies and the houses and one for the foul water from household toilets and sinks etc. If there appears to be a blockage in these sewerage systems report it to Thames Water on 0800 316 9800. (see: )

All the surface water from the estate runs into a pump station for surface water drainage situated in the car park on Woodfield Road. This pumps surface water directly into a culvert by the side of the railway lines maintained by Network Rail/Thames Water. Any blockage in the culvert should be reported to Network Rail/Thames Water. Do not dispose of any polluting materials into the surface water drains as this will pollute the surroundings and the local rivers.

Houses to the north of the estate (7-11, 15, 18-23, 42-84 Lynwood Road; 1-7 Bourne Close) use a foul waste pump station (the green box near the roundabout at the entrance to the development) which connects to the public sewer to the south side of the estate.

Inappropriate disposal of waste causes problems with the pumps and/or the storage chambers. The foul waste pump station is designed to handle foul water, natural human waste and biodegradable products. Other sanitary products, household waste and non-biodegradable products should never be disposed of through the drainage system (this also applies for those properties connected directly to the public sewer). Disposal of non-biodegradable products causes pumps to block and the storage chambers become congested which is costly to rectify.

Blockages in the pump stations are often caused by fats and wet wipes put down sinks & toilets.  Please follow Thames Water guidance: Bin It Don't Block It.

DON’T DISPOSE OF WET WIPES, RAGS, NAPPIES OR SANITARY PRODUCTS IN DRAINS OR TOILETS. DON’T DISPOSE OF FOOD, COOKING OIL, FAT OR GREASE DOWN THE DRAINS. Despite advertising to the contrary WET WIPES ARE NOT FLUSHABLE. They do not dissolve in the drains and if flushed they will block the pumps.

Waste Disposal & Recycling
Currently food waste, general refuse, recyclables and garden waste collections are on Wednesdays. Please see leaflets and information from Elmbridge Borough Council for details of what is collected each week. At holiday times, such as Christmas and Easter, the schedule is changed normally to one day later. Elmbridge Council usually advises each householder of the collection schedule for the year.

All rubbish should be placed inside your bin with the lid closed to prevent cats/foxes from getting in and strewing rubbish. Bin men are not obliged to collect rubbish bags placed alongside bins. Rats will be encouraged if rubbish is left beside bins.

The automatic separation of materials to be recycled, which takes place at the sorting plant, needs your recyclables to be loose and mixed rather than placed in boxes or in any sort of bag.

Any abnormally large amounts of refuse (such as furniture and appliance packaging), garden refuse or rubbish from DIY should be disposed of at the Council Recycling Centres. The Council makes no charge for private individuals depositing refuse.