Lynwood Road Residents Association

Legal Matters & AGMs

Lynwood Road Residents Association (LRRA) is a limited company set up by the original developers as the legal entity for the Residents Association. The company has certain duties and responsibilities to the owners of properties in the Lynwood Road Estate which comprises 100 properties. Each property owner is a member of the LRRA company and has an equal voting right. The LRRA keeps a register of owners/members but does not issue new share certificates. The purpose and governance of the LRRA Limited company are set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Click Here to Download the LRRA Limited Certificate of Incorporation
Click Here to Download the LRRA Memorandum and Articles of Association

House Transfers & Re-mortgages
There is a restriction in the HM Land Registry title register of every property on the estate that whenever a property is sold(transferred) or re-mortgaged the buyer is required to notify the LRRA of the change of ownership or mortgage charge and obtain a certificate of compliance.  To comply with this obligation, it will be usually the buyer’s solicitor that will send a notice of transfer to the LRRA's solicitor and request a certificate of compliance.  A certificate of compliance issued on behalf of the LRRA is necessary for any property transfer or mortgage charge to be registered with HM Land Registry. 

Please ask solicitors or agents to contact our solicitors with any legal queries (typically in the form of Freehold Management Enquiries form FME1), to send them the notice of transfer and obtain the necessary certificate of compliance.  The latter depends on payment of all Rent Charges or other charges due and the buyer accepting the obligations under the Deed of Grant of Rent Charge for the property. On receipt of a notice of transfer and issue of the certificate of compliance the new owner will be entered on the LRRA register and recorded as a member of the LRRA Limited company.  The LRRA does not make a charge for responding to queries and dealing with transfers but the solicitors do make a charge for completing an FME1, for receipt of notice of transfer and for issue of a certificate of compliance.

Our solicitors are Pearson Hards LLP; the address is: Pearson Hards Solicitors LLP, Fountain House, 2 Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3LR; Web site://

All owners and tenants of properties on the estate are obliged to comply with covenants set out in the in Deed of Transfer and the Deed of Grant of Rent Charge for each property. The key points are:
• Do not to allow your gardens or front of your property to become untidy;
• Do not to carry on any trade or business from your property;
• Only park roadworthy (with current tax & MOT) private (not commercial) vehicles on the estate;
• Do not to carry out repairs/maintenance of cars on the estate;
• Do maintain and repair walls and fences on the sides of each plot.
A full summary of the covenants from the property deeds can be downloaded below.
Click Here to Download the LRRA Deeds of Transfer Covenants

Annual General Meeting
The LRRA Limited company holds an Annual General Meeting once a year, in April or October. At the AGM the Board of Directors report back to the residents (all owners of houses on the estate are members/shareholders in LRRA Limited) regarding the operation and financial status of the LRRA Limited company and any issues or topics relevant to the purposes of the Residents Association. The AGM is an opportunity for residents to get together to renew acquaintances and discuss any issues they may have relating to the Lynwood Road Estate. This also gives the directors a chance to get feedback from the residents.

The minutes of the AGMs held over the last five years are available to download below and were approved by the Board of Directors.
Click Here to Download the April 2024 AGM Minutes

Click Here to Download the April 2023 AGM Minutes
Click Here to Download the April 2022 AGM Minutes
Click Here to Download the April 2021 video conference AGM Minutes
Click Here to Download the April 2020 video conference AGM Minutes

The Directors will advise owners about the next AGM by email and on this site.

In exceptional circumstances, an Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by arrangement with the Company Secretary.