Lynwood Road Residents Association

Gardens and Roadways

Communal Garden & Roadways
The LRRA makes every effort to ensure that the roads, paths and gardens in the common parts of the estate are kept clean and in good condition. Cleaners/gardeners are employed to clean the roadways and manage the plants and grass in the common areas. They are not responsible for individual gardens, window boxes or pot plants. If you wish to employ gardeners for your own plants, pleases make private arrangements.

On each weekly visit the cleaners/gardeners have set work to do, so please do not divert them or interfere with their work. If something needs attention it is up to residents to report it to us by sending an email to or contacting one of the Directors with details any issues, areas requiring attention or other concerns related to the common gardens.

The cleaners/gardeners are not paid to water the gardens and assistance from residents is requested to help with watering plants adjacent to their houses during dry spells. This will help to ensure that the gardens remain an attractive feature and help to reduce the cost of plant replacement. It would be helpful if we had a couple of volunteers who live in the Square to water plants when there is a drought. Please let us know if you are interested.

Common Parts Cleaning & Weeding
It is up to all of us to keep the development clean and tidy outside our own areas. It helps to reduce the costs for everyone on the development if we all take responsibility for keeping the roadway outside our properties clean and tidy. This should include removal of rubbish and weeds that may accumulate in the block-paving roadways outside your property.

Private Gardens
Under the covenants in the deeds, owners and tenants are required to keep any garden land within their plot tidy and to cultivate and maintain their gardens in “good and tidy order”. In practical terms this means keeping means keeping grass areas cut, bushes and shrubs pruned and preventing excessive growth of weeds in beds, borders and on block paving driveways. Any shrub or tree that dies and was part of the original landscaping scheme must be replaced in the next planting season.

Remember your 'front of house' garden is a reflection of the whole estate; so make the Estate a more desirable place to live by keeping gardens tidy. Doing this will also improve the value of all our properties. If you feel your neighbour’s property needs some tidying then please tactfully raise this with them. The directors will take action against owners if individual properties are in a poor state.

Garden Waste
You can arrange for garden waste to be collected by Elmbridge Council. This provides an easy and convenient way to recycle your garden waste into compost. You can sign up with the Council for this service for a small annual charge. You may also take garden waste to one of the Recycling Centres. Further details on these services can be found on the Elmbridge Council website

Playing & Ball Games 
We like to see children enjoying the safe spaces in the Square, but we do get complaints about children playing ball games. The LRRA Board try to take a balanced view on this, but there is no doubt the games being played can sometimes cause problems and occasionally damage to plants and cars. It is because of this we have adopted a "No Ball Games" policy on the Square and the roadways of the estate.

The responsibility for enforcing this "No Ball Games" policy rests with all owners who are equal members of the LRRA. If you see games being played which you think are inappropriate and in breach of the policy speak to those playing the games. If you can determine where the children responsible live speak to their parents. If the children do not live on the estate and have not been invited by someone who does, then they can be asked to leave - it is private land. There is a public right of way not public right of play, that is what the recreation ground is for. The LRRA Board will support residents in this and will speak to individual owners if their household is identified as persistently causing problems.

Children may not consider the noise that they make so please keep an eye on your children to ensure they are not creating a nuisance for your neighbours. Also please discourage your children from inviting local children from outside the estate to play in the common parts and tell your children to be mindful when riding bikes, skateboarding or the like around the estate. Childrens' welfare is the responsibility of parents.