Lynwood Road Residents Association

Improvements & Planning

If any resident feels that improvements can be made to the Estate. Please let one of the directors know, or send us an email to and we will discuss the suggestion at our quarterly Board Meetings.

Individual House Improvements and Planning Permission
The planning permission granted in 1998 for the original development of the estate (Elmbridge Planning Ref: 1998/1076 - available online from the Elmbridge Planning Applications website) stipulated that the permitted development rights for all properties on the estate were removed. Specifically:

"Para 6 - Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order) no development falling within Part 1 Class(es) A and B of Schedule 2 to the said Order shall be carried out within the curtilage of the/any dwellinghouse, unless planning permission is first granted by the Borough Council.
Reason: To safeguard the character and amenities of the premises adjoining properties."

What this means is that “permitted developments” under planning law are not permitted on the estate without explicit planning permission. Owners should, therefore, seek advice from Elmbridge Borough Council planning department and when so advised obtain planning permission for any extension or any alteration to the roofline of their property.

Tradesperson recommendations
If you have recently used a tradesperson that you have been particularly happy with, let us know with an email to or use the WhatsApp Group to tell neighbours with trader's name and telephone number and what they do. Let's all benefit from your experience.